
他的孩子在美国被绑架,安珀警报引发全城救助 His Kids Were Kidnapped and the Whole City Came to...

今年2月,在美国湾区发生了一起惊动全城的儿童绑架案。一位华人父亲Jeffrey Fang的两个小孩被绑架,触发了安珀警报。为了找到自己的孩子,这位父亲是如何做出反应的?这个在美国拥有20多年历史的失踪与被绑架儿童的警报系统到底是怎么运作的?打开视频一起来看看! This February, a kidnapping case gripped the San Francisco Bay Area. A man called Jeffrey Fang reported two of his children kidnapped, triggering an Amber Alert across the entire region. What did this father do in order to find his missing children? How did this system for finding missing and abducted kids come about? Watch the video and let’s find out!




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