



New Government Device Tracks Your Cell Phone Location: Even When It's Turned Off
2011年10月4日 上午 09:49:44
Translation by Autumnson Blog
The US appears to be contructing a Police State par excellence. The amount of new devices to track, spy and scatter Americans is bewildering. The most interesting thing is that Americans pay for their own enslavement as the government taxes and spends every increasing amounts on the new Orwellian state. Below is a great example of this new state spending. Here is a device that can track the location of your cell phone even when it's not on-Bon Appetit you Stasi junkies!
For more than a year, federal authorities pursued a man they called simply "the Hacker." Only after using a little known cellphone-tracking device—a stingray—were they able to zero in on a California home and make the arrest.
已有一年多,聯邦當局追隨一個男人,他們簡單地稱他為“黑客”。只有在使用一種鮮為人知的手機跟踪裝置 - 魟 - 他們才能夠零和在一加州的家作出逮捕。

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
A Harris StingRay II, one of several devices dubbed 'stingrays.'
Stingrays are designed to locate a mobile phone even when it's not being used to make a call. The Federal Bureau of Investigation considers the devices to be so critical that it has a policy of deleting the data gathered in their use, mainly to keep suspects in the dark about their capabilities, an FBI official told The Wall Street Journal in response to inquiries.
A stingray's role in nabbing the alleged "Hacker"—Daniel David Rigmaiden—is shaping up as a possible test of the legal standards for using these devices in investigations. The FBI says it obtains appropriate court approval to use the device.
Stingrays are one of several new technologies used by law enforcement to track people's locations, often without a search warrant. These techniques are driving a constitutional debate about whether the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures, but which was written before the digital age, is keeping pace with the times.
On Nov. 8, the Supreme Court will hear arguments over whether or not police need a warrant before secretly installing a GPS device on a suspect's car and tracking him for an extended period. In both the Senate and House, new bills would require a warrant before tracking a cellphone's location.




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