

Facebook tracks your every move, even after logging out
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Translation by Autumnson Blog
(NaturalNews) The social media empire Facebook has unveiled some new "features" on its platform in recent days that many allege are a total and compete privacy-breaching nightmare. But one hidden feature, discovered by Nik Cubrilovic, an Australian entrepreneur and writer, that few people are aware of is the fact that Facebook now monitors your online activity, even when you are not logged in to the service.

社交媒體帝國臉譜在近期於它的平台上推出一些新“特色”,那許多人指稱是一完完全全私隱違反的噩夢。然而一項很少人為意的隱藏功能,由澳大利亞企業家和作家聶 Cubrilovic發現的,是Facebook現在監控您的網上活動,即使當你並沒登入該服務
With each new change Facebook makes, users' privacy becomes a little less ... nonexistent, if you will. The most recent "News Feed" modifications, for example, display everything you say and do on the site to all of your "friends," and even to the public. And now, even after logging out of Facebook, permanent "cookies" track all your movements on websites that contain Facebook buttons or widgets.

隨著FACEBOOK每一次的新改變使得用戶的隱私變得所餘無幾...如果你願意,非存在的。例如最近的“新聞提要”修改,展示一切你在網站上所說和做的給你所有的“朋友”,甚至給公眾。而現在,即使在登出 Facebook後,永久性的“曲奇”會跟踪你所有在包含Facebook按鈕或部件的網站上的動作。(註:此網沒有,但菊歌的工具有,所以也難逃一刼。)
"Even if you are logged out, Facebook still knows and can track every page you visit," Cubrilovic wrote on a recent blog posting. "The only solution is to delete every Facebook cookie in your browser, or to use a separate browser for Facebook interactions" ( http://nikcub-static.appspot.com/logging-out-of-facebook-is-not-enough ).
“即使你登出了,臉譜仍知道及能跟踪您訪問過的每一頁,"Cubrilovic在最近的一篇博文寫道:”唯一的解決辦法是刪除在瀏覽器中的每一個Facebook曲奇,或使用一個分離的瀏覽器作臉譜互動。 “(http://nikcub-static.appspot.com/logging-out-of-facebook-is-not-enough )。
But how many Facebook users will actually know to do this? The site has never announced to its users that it is even tracking them in the first place, let alone given them any instructions on how to "opt-out" of this egregious invasion of privacy.
Facebook, of course, has become infamous for simply changing its site setup, including privacy settings, and leaving it up to users to figure out how to contain their breached information after the fact. It has switched from an "opt-in" approach, where users used to be given the option to "upgrade" to new features, to a much more complicated "opt-out" approach, where Facebook makes drastic changes and leaves it up to users to somehow figure out how to change things back to the way they were (if such an option is even still possible).
"While initially opt-in, the default then seems to be expose everything," says David Vaile, executive director of the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, concerning Facebook's "breathtaking and audacious grab for whole life data."
"Facebook, once again, are (sic) doing things that are beyond most users' capacity to understand while reducing their privacy ... the default setting for any site should be 'reveal nothing about me unless I make a specific choice otherwise.'"




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