
發動非暴力 Waging Nonviolence



我們認為,非暴力沒有固定的意識形態,也不只是一種策略集合。它不是被動或避免衝突。相反,“發動非暴力”是積極追求的目標和最適合的人來實現它的手段值得一個更好的,暴力的社會。 WNV歡迎通過人民的力量,尋求替代暴力的聲音和觀點的多樣性。

發動非暴力的是,幾乎所有的內容提供給盡可能廣泛地被共享和重用。除非另有說明,一切都屬於我們發布在Creative Commons署名 - 相同方式3.0許可,允許重用和適應的歸屬WNV和作者。如果你重複使用我們的內容,我們總是欣賞它,如果你讓我們知道。我們的工作已經被特色的店鋪,如鋁半島,AlterNet,共同的夢想,民主吧!,“衛報”,“哈珀”雜誌,全國新紐約時報“,”全國公共廣播電台,Truthout,等等。

Waging Nonviolence About

Waging Nonviolence is a source for original news and analysis about struggles for justice and peace around the globe. Ordinary people build power using nonviolent strategies and tactics every day, even under the most difficult of circumstances, yet these stories often go unnoticed or misunderstood by a media industry fixated on violence and celebrity. Since 2009, WNV has been reporting on these people-powered struggles and helping their participants learn from one another, because we know that they can and do change the world.

We view nonviolence as neither a fixed ideology nor merely a collection of strategies. It is not passivity or the avoidance of conflict. Rather, “waging nonviolence” is the active pursuit of a better, less violent society by means worthy of the goal and those best suited to achieving it. WNV welcomes a diversity of voices and viewpoints that seek alternatives to violence through people power.

Nearly all content on Waging Nonviolence is available to be shared and reused as widely as possible. Unless otherwise noted, everything we publish falls under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license, which permits reuse and adaptation with attribution to WNV and the author. (If you reuse our content, we always appreciate it if you let us know.) Our work has been featured in outlets such as Al Jazeera, AlterNet, Common Dreams, Democracy Now!, The Guardian, Harper’s Magazine, The Nation, The New York Times, NPR, Truthout, and many more.




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